Tuesday, February 22, 2011

RVing in the Morning

I apologize for taking so long to update our blog.  I really appreciate all of you following along.  Nancy and I have been traveling since New Years.   You can follow our travels on our web site
http://MyTripJournal.Com/HelloRoadWinter2011.   I have included additional pictures of this walking trail on our Trip Journal.

Here are some pictures of how we start our day.   After our coffee the we take the dogs for a walk in the woods.

Belle & Bandit on the trail of some critter 

Belle and Bandit on Hansel & Gretel Trail

Deer Trail through the woods to Grandma's House

Drop the Leash and they Stop. Nice                          

Beautiful in the Morning Texas Sun

E T Trail Marker. Built by Canadian RVers years ago

Maybe a Daniel Boone Trail Marker

Trail End Resting Area.  Beautiful

Ranch Museum Old Chevy Hood

Turtle Trail Marker Built by Colorado RVers 2011

Thanks for viewing our blog.  There are more pictures on our trip journal.  

Have a great week and enjoy the day

Rick, Nancy, Belle and Bandit