Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Phyllis Rose

About 25 or so years ago we had some very close friends, Jim and Phyllis. Jim was a retired railroad engineer and Phyllis was his wife of some 50 years.  They both passed away at age 75 several years ago.
Phyllis gave Nancy this rose shortly after we had met them, which was through our  Amateur Radio hobby. 

Phyllis always loved flowers and she gave Nancy the pigmy rose bush that you see on this page.  Nancy planted it in our front yard with a few other flowers. What is unique about this rose is that it has always bloomed, always looked great and best of all reminded us of Phyllis and Jim.   Just a few days ago on November 18 2011 the rose again went into bloom.  That is the reason for the update to this blog.  I thought everyone would enjoy the rose.   We always think that every time it blooms, spring, summer, fall or winter Phyllis must have been watching and turned on the switch.   

One day it was just a stem and the very next morning a beautiful yellow rose. 

Thanks Phyllis and Jim. We miss you

Rick and Nancy

All the other flowers are in their winter dress. Phyllis's
yellow rose is blooming its little heart out.

The wind was blowing 25-30MPH the day the pictures
were taken.  I took over 50 but these were the sharpest ones.

Nancy holding the Phyllis Rose.   Notice that
two other blooms were on the ready

Nancy and our two German Shepherds admiring the rose

Nancy really loves the Phyllis Rose.  It came in from
a mail order company to Phyllis.  Then she
gave to Nancy

Pretty sight in the middle of winter

Pretty barren in our yard except for the Yellow Rose

The rose must be protected by Phyllis as we do not
do anything that they suggest in the books

Thanks Phyllis

I hope you all enjoyed the blog update

Have a great week and
Happy Thanksgiving

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