Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monica's Birthday

Our Daughter Monica passed away in November 2007 and on August 2 she would have been 48 years old.

In our home we celebrate life, so we had a small family gathering and Nancy cooked Monica's favorite meal. Roast Pork, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Homemade Bread and for Dessert Waldorf Astoria Red Cake. You should have been there. A good time was had by all.

The Pork Roast came out perfectly. At the end of the day
the 5lb roast was gone.

Our Son KR, his Wife Sandy, John a friend of Monica's, our Grandaughter Holly and her Husband Jameison, Nancy and myself had a great time at the birthday dinner.

Pre Dinner Snacks were great and also were gone by the end
of the day.

Nancy baked 2 loaves of bread.
Tasted Great. The cutting board
is the same one our son KR
made in High School

No Dinner would be complete without dessert. The Tall Bowl is Strawberries, Cherries and Angel Food Cake with homemade whipped cream on top. The back dish is the Waldorf Astoria Red Cake.

History says the Red Cake Recipe came from the Waldorf Astoria
Hotel. Someone in the early 1900's had asked for the recipe. The
Waldorf Astoria did give it to her, but sent her a invoice later. I am glad we did not have to pay for it. This cake is fantastic.

Our Grandaughter Holly and her Husband Jameison

Holly, Sandy & KR I noticed yesterday he is showing some gray hair

Nancy relaxing after all
that cooking

John Monica's Friend

Family visiting on the patio after the birthday dinner

Happy Birthday Monica Love Ya and see you down the road

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